Check out the latest news, including information about Astronomy Days and the NCAS Annual Meeting, in the January issue of the newsletter.
Join the Academy for Astronomy Days in January!
If you have stardust in your eyes, if you love gazing up at the heavens, or if you enjoy small children and the excitement of discovery, consider volunteering a few hours of your time this coming January. The North Carolina Academy of Science will be hosting a fun and educational exhibit for Astronomy Days on 26-27 January 2019. Our theme is “The Search for Extraterrestrial Life!”
The Academy is looking for energetic volunteers who can contribute one or more two- or three-hour shifts from 8:30 AM until 5:30 PM on Saturday (January 26) and from 11:30 AM until 5:30 PM on Sunday (January 27). To volunteer or to contribute ideas for simple, inexpensive hands-on science activities, please contact the Academy’s exhibit co-organizers: Lisa Kelly ( or 910-521-6377) or Maria Pickering ( or 919-760-8437). This is a great opportunity for Student Academy and Collegiate Academy students and their mentors. No special skills are required, and ideally four or more volunteers will be available during each time slot. The Academy’s exhibit at the museum last January was a big hit, drawing crowds of excited children and their parents.
Report: CANCAS Undergraduate Workshop
The CANCAS Undergraduate Research Workshop was a smashing success. Students worked on how to develop their resume/CV and interviewing skills, how to design and deliver effective scientific oral and poster presentations, brushed up on scientific writing skills, and explored the role and value of diversity and inclusion in science.
Take a look at the Newsletter of our National Association
The National Association of the Academies of Sciences puts out a newsletter two or three times each year. Click here to see their latest issue.
Check out this YouTube Video!
See the video here:
This is one video that is ready to go viral! I can see why everyone is so excited about the new North Carolina Academy of Science website!
CANCAS Workshop Scheduled for Sat 11/3/18 at NC Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount. Sign up now!
The annual CANCAS Undergraduate Research Workshop will be Saturday, November 3rd at NC Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, NC! The Workshop aims to excite undergraduates about research and equip them with the skills to be successful as aspiring scientists! At the Workshop, students will have the opportunity to network with undergraduates from across the state, and ask questions of current graduate students or representatives of various graduate programs (e.g. Ph.D., P.A., D.P.T, etc.) in a panel discussion. Engaging breakout sessions led by faculty at NC institutions explore resume/CV development; building a professional social media presence; reading and writing in science; the impact of diversity and inclusion in scientific research; and how to communicate effectively through scientific oral and poster presentations.
Students can register by clicking here. Registration is $15 for non-members, but it is free for CANCAS members! So, prior to registering, students should join or renew their CANCAS membership by going the membership portal! Students can sign up individually. Alternatively, a faculty advisor can register all of their students in a club or group on their campus using the “group membership” option. When students register for the workshop, the email that was used to renew their membership to CANCAS will be the promo code, and registration will be free!
Student members also receive reduced registration fees at the Annual Meeting in March and are eligible for poster & oral presentation awards at the Annual Meeting. Members also get to apply for research grants from the Academy. More information about membership can be found here:
We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop! Please contact Dr. Daniel Stovall ( with any questions!
Meet our Yarbrough Award Winners!
Bryden Award Application Information
The Robert R. Bryden Research Awards grants up to $1000 to support graduate research, equipment and/or expenses related to attendance of scientific meetings. The application deadline is March 1, 2019. For more information about eligibility and how to apply, see the instructions for applicants.