The Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science publishes papers in all disciplines of science and mathematics. Short Notes and regular length articles reporting original research are appropriate for JNCAS. Manuscripts submitted for publication must not have been published previously nor submitted currently to any other journal. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two referees.

We’re pleased to announce that the Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science has moved to a new, advanced web platform called Meridian, hosted by Silverchair.

The new Meridian platform comes with a host of new features to enhance your reading experience, including:

  • Mobile responsive website design

  • Optional split-screen reading experience

  • Suggested articles based on browser history

  • Saved searches, alerts and notifications

To access the site, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Using the email address associated with your account, reset your password at

  2. Once your password has been reset, go to the journal homepage at

  3. Select the Sign In button in the right-hand corner and sign in with your email and new password

After following these instructions, you will now have access to journal content. Please note that previous data on saved searches, alerts and notifications from the old journal site will not be migrated to the new site. For instructions on how to save searches and sign up for alerts, please visit

Please contact with any questions you may have.


Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the Allen Press PeerTrack™ system at: . Manuscripts will no longer be accepted as hard copies or email attachments.


Manuscript format

Manuscripts should consist of the following parts (organized in this sequence): title and authors; abstract and key words; body text, acknowledgments, and literature cited; figure captions; figures; and tables. Use one-inch margins. It is not necessary to paginate your document nor to number the lines as Allen Press PeerTrack™ does this automatically.


Short Notes

Typescripts less than four pages can be published as Notes. They should follow the same format as regular length articles, but without an abstract or headings other than Literature Cited. Keywords are placed between the title and the first line of text.