The annual CANCAS Undergraduate Research Workshop will be Saturday, November 3rd at NC Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, NC! The Workshop aims to excite undergraduates about research and equip them with the skills to be successful as aspiring scientists! At the Workshop, students will have the opportunity to network with undergraduates from across the state, and ask questions of current graduate students or representatives of various graduate programs (e.g. Ph.D., P.A., D.P.T, etc.) in a panel discussion. Engaging breakout sessions led by faculty at NC institutions explore resume/CV development; building a professional social media presence; reading and writing in science; the impact of diversity and inclusion in scientific research; and how to communicate effectively through scientific oral and poster presentations.
Students can register by clicking here. Registration is $15 for non-members, but it is free for CANCAS members! So, prior to registering, students should join or renew their CANCAS membership by going the membership portal! Students can sign up individually. Alternatively, a faculty advisor can register all of their students in a club or group on their campus using the “group membership” option. When students register for the workshop, the email that was used to renew their membership to CANCAS will be the promo code, and registration will be free!
Student members also receive reduced registration fees at the Annual Meeting in March and are eligible for poster & oral presentation awards at the Annual Meeting. Members also get to apply for research grants from the Academy. More information about membership can be found here:
We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop! Please contact Dr. Daniel Stovall ( with any questions!