Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Science
The Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Science (CANCAS) is a community of undergraduate students and faculty advisors. We may be from different institutions and many different clubs and perhaps even different disciplines of science, but we have a lot in common. By sharing our common interests, we find stability. By sharing our diversity, we grow.
Our purpose
Our interest in scientific endeavors is our common goal. Knowing that scientific progress requires the combined effort of many individuals, we hope to foster interactions among our membership. We hope you will join us as we work to stimulate interactions among members of the scientific community in North Carolina.
As a CANCAS member, students can network with other undergraduate scientists across the state, attend the annual workshop in the fall for free, and receive discounted registration for attendance at the Annual Meeting in the spring! Annual Meeting posters and oral presentations are judged, and the winners who are CANCAS members are eligible for the prestigious Derieux Awards.
CANCAS members can also apply for Yarbrough Grants to fund their research!
Become a member today!
What’s up with CANCAS?
Save the date Saturday, Nov 16, 2024, for the Undergraduate Research & Medical Professions Workshop “Navigating the Future: Preparing for Careers in Research, Medicine, and Healthcare”. Elon University will host the event.
Sign up to be a CANCAS member today!
Meet the 2024-2025 CANCAS officers!
Join us for the 121st Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, hosted by Fayetteville State University.
CANCAS Members get a discount!
To become a member of CANCAS, follow the link to JoinIT:
Individual membership is $15, and faculty club advisors may sign up all individual students as a CANCAS Group for $100.
If you are an advisor for a group of students who would like to join and attend, please be sure that you sign up all members in your group for a CANCAS membership using JoinIt before registering for the meeting so that students can receive the CANCAS discount for registration.
When signing up for group memberships, you must add each student individually using the quantity drop box. Add all students in your group before entering your payment information. This will not charge you $100 per student. Instead, it allows you to enter the individual information of each student in your group as you sign them up. If you have a large number of students, you can create an Excel sheet with their information (first name, last name, and email address – all separate columns) and send it to Ryan Brandt.
Once CANCAS membership is complete, students can register for the meeting following the directions on the meeting website. The promotional code will be the student’s email, providing a registration discount.
Reach out to Ryan Brandt at with any questions.
become an officer or liaison
CANCAS officers are elected at the Annual Meeting in the spring. Officers serve for 1 year. Positions include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Historian. Volunteers for serving as campus liaisons are also selected at the Annual Meeting. Liaisons keep faculty and students at their home institution apprised of upcoming CANCAS events (like the Workshop) and opportunities (like deadlines for grant and abstract submissions). Contact more information!
2024-2025 CANCAS Officers '
(from right to left)
President Jackson Owensn (Lenior-Rhyne University), Vice President Ivy Throneburg (Lenior-Rhyne University), Secretary Crystal Lopez (Campbell University), and Historian Elijah Yang (Lenior-Rhyne University)
Jackson Owens
Lenior-Rhyne University
Crystal Lopez Secretary Campbell University
Ivy Throneburg
Vice President
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Elijah Yang
Lenoir-Rhyne University