As the CANCAS Co-Directors, Laura and I wanted to write and clarify how CANCAS students can register for the NCAS Annual Meeting in Wilmington!
First, if you are an advisor for a CANCAS group, please be sure that you sign up all members in your group using Joinit – the process for this outlined here! (This link also contains information for how individuals can join CANCAS.)
Once all individuals in your group have CANCAS membership, then they can each proceed to Eventbrite to register. Group members should register using the “Current Members Only” category. The price indicated for that is the price without discount. The discount will be applied if the student inputs the "Promotional Code” when they register. Each student must register individually. The way the group is now set up, each student's email is in the system and they will be recognized when they input their email as the Promotional Code and get the discount. The email address must match the address the advisor submitted and through which each student should have received a verification (i.e. if it did not go to spam). This will not work for the students if their advisor did not submit all of the students' email addresses. If that is the case, they need to contact Laura or I immediately.
Please reach out to either Laura ( or I ( if you have any questions as you register! Thank you for your patience as we work with this new system!
Dan & Laura