Teaching Tomorrow’s Scientists: An ASCB Regional Meeting will be an exciting mix of science, education, and networking. This day-long meeting is designed for a teaching-intensive audience of life scientists and will be held on May 31, 2019, at the University of Georgia, Athens.
The meeting will include science research and education research plenaries, a poster session, a networking lunch, afternoon workshops, and an end-of-day networking mixer. Abstracts are invited for 75-minute workshop sessions appropriate for undergraduate biology educators (deadline is March 4). Abstracts are also invited for posters presenting educational innovations, education research, and science research (deadline is April 20). There is no submission fee for either type of abstract. The deadline for meeting registration is May 24. The cost is $40 for ASCB members and $50 for nonmembers.
For more details about the program, meeting location, discounted hotel rates, etc. visit https://www.ascb.org/ascb-meetings/teaching-tomorrows-scientists-ascb-regional-meeting/