Astronomy Days 2023: The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life

 What? Astronomy Days – 2-day spectacular event featuring cool exhibits, presentations, crafts, and explorations of the universe. Free, in person, and open to the public.

Theme? Humans in Space: Past, Present, and Future!

When? Saturday-Sunday, January 28-29, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Where? NC Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh

NC Academy of Science (NCAS) booth: The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life

How can I help?  Join the Academy in its booth featuring living animals of extreme environments, living plants small enough to fit onto necklaces, games and crafts featuring extreme environments, and engaging the public in the excitement of science.

Why should I help?  It’s a lot of fun, an opportunity for community outreach, and you can volunteer for as little or as much time as you want, leaving plenty of time to visit other booths and events.  No prior experience or special skills needed!

Who volunteers for the NCAS booth?  College and high school students, faculty, and museum volunteers typically assist in our spacious booth (inside the Curiosity Classroom), which is furnished with several tables and chairs.

Who should I contact about volunteering?  Lisa Kelly (; 910-521-6377) or Maria Pickering (

Where can I park?  Free parking is available within walking distance of the museum.

Congratulations to the 2022 Yarbrough Awardees!

The Yarborough grant committee is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 awards.

Anna Braaten from Campbell University mentored by Dr. Stephanie Mathews.

Caleb Fluno from Lenoir-Rhyne University  mentored by Dr. Carly York

Alexander Gehron from Catawba University  mentored by Dr. Carmony Hartwig

Sarina Maybank from Fayetteville State University mentored by Dr. Danielle Graham

Heather McDowell from Lenoir-Rhyne University mentored by Dr. Marsha Fanning

Tanner White from Lenoir-Rhyne University mentored by Dr. Judy Moore

STEM for All Video Showcase

Check it out by clicking HERE and vote for your favorite!

The COMPASS2 scholarship program, directed by Marisol Santisteban at UNCP, has been hard at work and would love for you to see their work and vote. Click on the “Vote for Public Choice” thumb icon under the video to make your vote. The vote closes on May 17.

Virtual CANCAS Undergraduate Research Workshop, Sat January 22nd, 2022

This workshop will provide opportunities to learn about various graduate programs, resume preparation, preparation of oral and poster presentations, and job and graduate program application preparation.

Workshop attendance is included in the CANCAS membership.  

To become a member of CANCAS follow the link to JoinIT:

Individual membership has been discounted this year, to $5 and faculty club advisors may sign up all individual students as a CANCAS Group for $50. 

Once CANCAS membership is complete, students can register for the CANCAS Workshop using the link below.  The promotional code will be the student’s email, which will allow you to register for the event for no additional cost.

Send any questions to Laura Reichenberg

Lisa Zhang is awarded the 2021 Cocke, Decker, Takahashi, McCoy & Brogie Memorial Award

We are excited to announce that a North Carolina student was selected for a national award of the American Junior Academy of Science (AJAS). The selection committee had a very difficult time determining which essay would receive the award, but in the end, they selected the essay written by Lisa Zhang from North Carolina. Lisa’s essay truly captured the essence of the American Junior Academy of Science’s mission making it stand out from the others.

We would like to congratulate Lisa!! Her essay will be printed in the next NAAS Newsletter.

Beware of scams!

Dear NCAS members,

Recently, an NCAS Member discovered a monthly recurring $50 charge to their bank account, appearing to be from the NC Academy of Science. This appears to be a scam as no $50 credit was found in our accounts. Please be aware of this and notify us if you discover similar charges to your account.


NCAS Treasurer

Reminder: NCAS Meeting Starts Tomorrow!

The NCAS Annual Meeting is almost here! You may view the event at The Online Event Page now - it has live Zoom links for all the sessions this Friday and Saturday.  Note: You will need to create an account or you can login if you have used Eventbrite in the past. Check out the many opportunities you'll have to engage with your peers, support young scientists, and learn from our guest speakers and panelists.

We hope you enjoy the conference welcome packet that has been mailed to you - a small token of our appreciation for your involvement in our wonderful NCAS organization. 

See you in just two more days!

Judy, Mike and Marsha, your 2021 Annual Meeting Hosts

Register now for the NCAS Annual Meeting!

Registration for the virtual NCAS Annual Meeting (March 12-13) is now open! Early registration runs through February 24th, which is also the deadline for abstract submission. Late registration will be available through March 13th.

Note to all current NCAS members and CANCAS group members: you MUST enter your email address as a promo code in the upper left corner of the registration page for the opportunity to pay just for the meeting and not also for membership.

We hope you plan to join us! Please share this information with your students and colleagues.

Microbiology Instructor Position at Methodist University Open for Spring 2021

The Biology Department at Methodist University has an immediate opening for a microbiology instructor for the spring 2021 semester. While this will be a part-time position for the spring semester, a full-time, tenure track position for fall 2021 is anticipated. Any part-time instructor in the position this spring would be considered for the full-time position for the 2021-22 academic year should they apply.

If interested, contact:
Dr. Rob McCandless, Professor & Chair

Virtual CANCAS Undergraduate Research Workshop, Sat January 16th, 2021

This workshop will provide opportunities to learn about various graduate programs, resume preparation, preparation of oral and poster presentations, job and graduate program application preparation, and ethics in science.  

Workshop attendance is included in the CANCAS membership.  

To become a member of CANCAS follow the link to JoinIT:

Individual membership has been discounted this year, to $5 and faculty club advisors may sign up all individual students as a CANCAS Group for $50. 

Once CANCAS membership is complete, students can register for the CANCAS Workshop using the link below.  The promotional code will be the student’s email, which will allow you to register for the event for no additional cost.

Send any questions to Laura Reichenberg

Apply for the BIT SURE summer research experience at NC State!

Please encourage your undergraduate students to apply to the NSF BIT SURE Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer 2021. Hosted by North Carolina State University, this 10-week program focuses on advanced sequencing tools that are transforming the way biologists conduct research and inclusive science. Participants learn about sequencing techniques and participate in professional development opportunities and virtual site visits. A series of workshops and learning opportunities promote diversity in science and learning.

BIT SURE participants receive a stipend.

The application is available on our website:

Share the attached flyer with potential applicants.

The deadline is February 14th, 2021.

Implement a genomics research experience and active learning in your undergraduate classes!

The Carolinas Regional Node of the Genomics Education Partnership will hold a virtual New Member Training session on Dec 7-11 and 14-18, at 12-1:30 EST. Specially welcomed: faculty from Community Colleges, MSIs, & PUIs teaching courses in genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, evolution, or intro biology. For more information, click the QR code on the attached flyer.

NCAS Journal now on Meridian web platform!

We’re pleased to announce that the Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science has moved to a new, advanced web platform called Meridian, hosted by Silverchair.

The new Meridian platform comes with a host of new features to enhance your reading experience, including:

  • Mobile responsive website design

  • Optional split-screen reading experience

  • Suggested articles based on browser history

  • Saved searches, alerts and notifications

To access the site, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Using the email address associated with your account, reset your password at

  2. Once your password has been reset, go to the journal homepage at

  3. Select the Sign In button in the right-hand corner and sign in with your email and new password

After following these instructions, you will now have access to journal content. Please note that previous data on saved searches, alerts and notifications from the old journal site will not be migrated to the new site. For instructions on how to save searches and sign up for alerts, please visit

Please contact with any questions you may have.